Common denominator
Repetition of holy names or formulas, staring at a burning candle, observing "whatever happens" without getting involved, losing oneself in devotional prayer, giving up (surrender) involvement, inner resistance, it all aims at cooling down the frenzy of ongoing thoughts. And when the waves of thought have calmed down enough, the bottom of the proverbial lake can be seen. That sight is the "AHA!" and it is instantaneous although the "calming down of the mind" has been gradual. And like the pond, mind without waves can be both transparent and reflecting, without distorting... Wondrous it this... 

There are no conflicts between the various paths, systems of meditation or yogas: they all view things from a certain perspective, with the expectation, at least for the disciples of the founder who were writing down the teaching, that in the course of events "what remains" is nonperspectiveness... By whatever name is given to it.

So would it be useful to contemplate matters like doership vs free will? Of course not - always a perspective can be found where one is "correct" and the other isn't: perspectives belong to the realm of opposites... To show that it leads to nothing, how about the will to breathe? Only noticeable when suffocating... It is a feeling and feelings are the motivators - even for those, inclined to intellectualism.

Feelings being the motivators, it will be clear that utter disappointment with "what the world has on offer", extreme devotion or "hopeless love" will lead to the same: the mind will leave the habit of "chasing its tail". And as a "side effect" but just as important, unknowingly, emotive energy will be transformed, resulting in Kundalini awakening. More on Kundalini

All emotions are linked to body-feeling: without the ability to feel hunger, thirst, pain etc., compassion would become a mere concept from the dictionary. Just try to read a treatise on quantum physics when suffering from migraine - it won't go. And the entire issue of transformation is regarding the mind-body, as to become less and less influenced by emotions and body-feelings, without impairment of the ability to respond to stimuli. That isn't all: the fuel for the transformation is - emotive energy. No automatic thoughts without feelings...

Slightly rephrasing, transformation concerns the so called "virtual sentient entity" - it is getting stripped off... until it finally "strips off itself"...

With the sense of "I", it is called "selfish"
Without the sense of "I", nondual or "liberated" - moksha, nirvana...

And this "leaves" a fully functional sentient entity, "only" stripped from feelings like "I and mine", fear, guilt, shame and embarrassment... And of course, stripped from all thoughts, rooted in these feelings...

And whether a beggar or a king, a monk or a householder,
such a one will live a happy life....

And that is about all there is to know: the real nature isn't a feeling - IT IS "before I was born, during life, when sentient life has ended..." And although rare, sentient life can end while the body remains alive...



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