I am your....

I am your stomach - I complain
I hope this time it's not in vain
You fix me up with things that do not mix
But worst of all, you have an appetite for six
In filling up you say you’re feeling well
But I say: you’re giving me a bloody hell
When filling up you really don't behave
But worst of all, I was not built to be an other being’s grave
I am you stomach and I don’t approve your choice of food
Unless you listen I will put you in a lousy mood
If I will strike you won’t be going far
Why, ego, do you treat me worse than your old car?
  monkey mind

I am your mind and I complain
I hope this time it’s not in vain
You fix me up with thoughts that do not mix
But worst of all, the stormy thoughts will not provide a fix
In filling up the mind you say you’re feeling well
But I say: you’re giving me a bloody hell
When filling up you really don't behave
But worst of all, I was not built to a be holodecky's cave
I am your mind and I do not approve your choice of mental food
Unless you listen I will put you in a lousy mood
If I run riot you will wind up at a funny farmers club
Why, monkey, do you treat me as if I'm just a sailor's pub?

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