
The sun is rising by itself?
Or is it powered by an elf?
No thing exists without a cause
No elf can work without a pause
Without an effort, nothing goes
Those saying else, they are your foes
The ignorance is like a wood
First chop the trees - the Light is food
The wood of ignorance does cloud the sky
Those saying else - they tell a lie
The wood of ignorance was planted by itself?
You did it - as a stupid elf
So I hope it will be clear
I just seem far and yet I am so near
Without your effort nothing goes
Those saying else, they are your foes
Some use the ax, some use the saw
Start using is the inner law
Without your effort nothing goes
Without your effort, only woes
The woes are blessing in disguise
Woes are precursor for the wise
So work until you see the sky
Those saying else - they tell a lie

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