Awakening and energy

The (sometimes veiled) basics
underlying every path even when
it is labeled "no path".

Every individual cell is a little factory.
It needs energy in the form of food,
and produces compounds required
for its life and eventually for others.
As with all energetic processes, there's
a loss of energy involved: metabolism
produces heat.

A collection of cooperating cells is an
organ: the collective is able to perform
tasks, impossible for a single cell.
A collection of cooperating organs is a
body, and able to perform tasks
(functions), impossible for a single organ.

The great secret of the human body is,
energy can be accumulated as if it were
a battery. That energy has been termed
"prana" and it is supposed to travel via
the nerves. Not a theory but interpretation
of observed (personal) events, every yogi
(or aspirant of any path) has to discover

This prana has been labeled "intelligent"
as it knows to flow in the proper channels
(apart from a few exceptions when unprepared).
But the alternative, as electrons prefer to
flow in a metal wire instead of next to it,
is that the path of "least resistance" is taken,
whatever, whenever.

Hence the ancient issues of pranayama
and brahmacarya regard accumulation
of energy under the proper conditions
(path, lifestyle), to remove all blocks or
conditioning. Emotions carry energy as
well, rajas regards dissipation, tamas,
absorption with loss, whereas sattva

In quite a few books on yoga, terms like
"control of mind", "control of breath"
appear. Neither the mind nor prana can be
controlled. What can be controlled is the
FLOW. Contemplation on a specific subject
directs the flow of thoughts, brahmacarya
and pranayama regard control over the
flow of energy ( the first three cakras, counting
from base up, have to work as reflectors).
The amount of energy available is determined
by lifestyle, (mind-)body's maximum is hardwired
in DNA.

Unfortunately, before the first block is
removed, there's no awareness of prana
movement or accumulation, with the
predictable result, the theory that lifestyle
doesn't matter on an "advanced" path.
The truly advanced path, known since
the dawn of man (Lucifer as"light-bringer")
is forgotten in the West.

It's the reason why it takes more than
two...three years then. To put it bluntly,
a Don Juan type of lifestyle with a few
hours of reading holy books and mediation
is as unlikely to "work" as the lifestyle of
a solitary monk holding a grudge against
"worldly life".

Of course perfection in the control of
FLOW (energy, thoughts) doesn't come
immediately: it takes resolution and
dedication. When occasionally things
don't compute, take an advice from
man's best friend

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