Tax reform takes enlightenment serious
Taking into consideration the fast growing number of Peak Experience Seekers and Travelers  (PEST).
The department of global economic affairs has been studying the possibility to introduce a special tax called
Peak Experience Tax (PET), a reform to simplify tax paying in the global village and to have pet owners automatically pay for their cuddles as well.
A number of scientists was given the assignment to develop an implantable sensor, able to register the electrical discharges caused by orgasms, samadhis and passionate petting, saving every occurrence of such a PE (Peak Experience) to a memory chip, that has to be read out once a year in a tax office assigned for the job, where eventual maintenance will take place too. Pet owners have to take care their cuddles are provided with such an implant as well.
In order to realize another goal, decreasing the number of diseased, disabled and unemployed ppl, the tax will be based on a combination of all available information, even that from mailing lists and usenet. In cases of stress and other job related diseases, the tax is negative, in order to provide for a happy feeling, stimulative for rapid healing and that will be further supported by a personalized stimulation service.
For this purpose, on short term some 1,000,000 men and women are urgently needed as coworker in the expanding field service. They will be recruited primarily from unemployed, disabled and retired EOs (Enlightened Ones) as the new sensor easily detects enlightenment and they will receive the title of MEPEF (Mobile Enlightened Peak Experience Facilitator), although the popular name for the job already has become "traveling orgastronomer". For more information, inquire at your local tax office.

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