
Those who visit Lord Yama with the proper attitude,
return from him with the knowledge of surrender.
Others have to learn through practice and faith.
Faith is to know the mountain is there even if it isn't seen.

It is easy to surrender when feeling miserable.
Surrender when in a pleasant state of mind too.
It is easy to praise the Lord when feeling fine
Surrender is, praising the Lord when feeling miserable too.

It is easy to surrender when feeling deserted with no one to care
Surrender too, when amidst friends and relatives who care.
Instructed by Lord Yama, surrender is till no feeling is left.
Others have to find out by pain and experience.

Life is a movie where one is the actor.
For one surrendered, acting is done.
The knower of God knows the movie to be an illusion.
But the knower still can fall in love with another actor :>)
For one surrendered, this is impossible.
It is like disdaining one's first Love.

For one, Self is the pristine bliss without a cause.
For another, Self is never ending Love,
or Beauty unparalleled.
Instructed by Lord Yama, surrender is till no feeling is left
and one really knows what IS.

Whether in heaven, on earth or in hell,
the Fire of Love will burn everything.
Those who surrender will know what remains.

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